| It turns out that my life up to now has been one big lie. Well, not too bad, but bad enough to where one thing I thought I had as a given in my life turns out to be false. That thing happens to be that my senior year isn't as easy as I thought it would be. It's not so much that the work is difficult, it's just that there is a lot of it, and I am low on time in which to do said work. Here's a look at the schedule of a bad day: 6 AM - Wake up and get ready 7 AM - Arrive at Jazz Band 8 AM - Start School 2:30 PM - Get out of school 3 PM - Start Cross Country Practice 5:30 PM - Gethomefromcrosscountryshowerandeat 6 PM - Band Practice 9 PM - Get home and collapse, all thoughts of homework gone, and sleep.What I'm getting at here is this: with crap like that going on everyday I've had zero time to even think about updating my comic. However, this last week I did manage to squeeze out the first panel of my ceremonial 20th comic. I'll have that up and put up new panels as I get them done. It's kinda like real updating...
| 09.09.03 - Its all over
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| As with a lot of you, I went back to school this September. You may also know what that does to a man's free time. In this light it is only reasonable to understand that I won't be able to update the comic, or very well get on the computer for that matter. However, To celebrate comic number 20 I plan to have the next comic be a big full colored page of craziness. Or something like that. The latest comic has nothing to do with the normal 3 Token 9 "story line" but is something me and the guys have been throwing around. Do enjoy.
| 08.20.03 - Holy Crap!
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| Well, you may be wondering what happened to me updating my site. The answer stems from a number of things. It's a little thing I call "Keenspace-servers-down/I'm-lazy/I'm-kina-busy/writer's-block/I'm-lazy"-ness. To make up for all this, I'm going to be posting new comics not just on the days I normally do, but just, ya know, when I come up with new stuff. Oh, and the banner above is a promotion for A Perfect Circle's new cd. Theses guys kick major ass, and with the addition of James Iha (Smashing Pumpkin's lead guitarist) I can hardly wait for it to come out. Head over to their web site and have a listen to their new single. It's well worth it. That's about it, I think.
| 08.02.03 - b0ck
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| While I was out canoing, I was told many time the dangers of river water and the effect it may have on your bowels. I didn't think I had much to worry about, having a water filter and all. However, through swimming, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches soggy with river water, or just from all the water i drank from flipping my canoe a good six times, I have come down with something that strongly resembles Giardiasis. Thats right, everyone's favorite waterborne virus. www.cdc.gov tells me this:
Giardiasis (GEE-are-DYE-uh-sis) is a diarrheal illness caused by Giardia intestinalis (also known as Giardia lamblia), a one-celled, microscopic parasite that lives in the intestine of people and animals. The parasite is passed in the stool of an infected person or animal. The parasite is protected by an outer shell that allows it to survive outside the body and in the environment for long periods of time. During the past 2 decades, Giardia has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease (drinking and recreational) in humans in the United States. The parasite is found in every region of the United States and throughout the world. Symptoms include diarrhea, loose or watery stool, stomach cramps, and upset stomach. These symptoms may lead to weight loss and dehydration. Some people have no symptoms.
It goes on to tell me that I should "Avoid fecal exposure during sex".
I think I should be just fine. To read the whole report on Giardiasis go here.
| 07.26.03 - Slacking Off
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| I'll be gone the next 5 days on a little canoe shindig. So, in my absence I'll be featuring some comics by my good friend David. Not one, not two, not three, (ect) but five comics. They will range in style and content. The first three will be sprite comics which I'm sure took way too much time to make. The other two will be lovingly hand drawn comics, in 3 Token 9 style. But, today, to get things going here is a campaign poster from back in David's political days. Do enjoy.
| 07.24.03 - YAR! MATE!
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| So, I went to see Pirates of the Caribbean last night. Hot damn, I'm ready to go pillage, sack, and all that good stuff...that is actually 'bad' in nature. This is, by far, the best pirate movie I have seen, and I've seen some pretty good pirate movies. Like Muppet Treasure Island and that one short 4-D movie with Leslie Nielsen as the evil captain. So, in all actuality, my standards for pirate movies are pretty low. Regardless, compared to most movies about...anything, this movie kicked ass. Not just the fighting, and the visuals, but the acting was top notch. Johnny Depp played as good as any anti-hero role I've seen, and, in my opinion, he really stole the show with his crazy pirate-ness. All in all, it made for a very entertaining watch and I hope Pirates leads the way for many more pirating movies. Savvy?