By Steve Oehrl

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"3 Token 9 does exist!"

Wednesday , June 9 , 2004


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05.23.04 - A life of meaning again
In case you missed it, the new Zelda game, reveiled at E3 this year is going back to the N64 style. Instead of the cartoony graphics of Wind Waker, this Zelda (yet to be named) is realistic and very dark looking. To take a quick gander check these out. For a longer and more satisfying gander, take a look at this.

04.26.04 - No room
"The population of grass is growing."

Nothing really to say today, just wanted to get in a little joke that didn't quite fit into the comic.

04.21.04 - Music is hard
A couple of things I wanted to touch upon real quick. First off, when I went to see the masterfully done Kill Bill vol. 2, I saw a preview that really caught my eye. It's a movie with Jet Li, and that's about all the information I was able to decipher from the trailer. That and the fact that Jet Li kicks all sorts of ass in old imperialistic Japanese style. Check it out here.

Second, if you where to head over to Sub Pop Records, you might come across a man who goes by the alias of Iron and Wine. If you were to go to the media section of the aforementioned website, then you might stubble across a song by Iron and Wine called "Naked As We Came". If you, by chance clicked on the link, you would download this song and hear it's wondrous sound. And since the chances of you doing that randomly are pretty slim, just click here

Whoa. I've been gone for quite a while, and I must say, it's damn near time I updated. So here it is, the triumphant return of 3 Token 9. To try and make up, just a little, I will also post a two page comic David (who did some guest comics for me a whiles back) and myself made for our school paper. It's big, beautiful, funny, and it's damn near perfect. As well you now see before you the new and improved 3 TOKEN 9. Don't get used to it.

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Check it out. This is my comic. 3 Token 9. If you're reading this, why don't you send me a letter. Good, bad, whatever...I just want to know if people are reading this comic. So, send those letters on over here

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